Modern-day escorts offer much more than street prostitutes. Clients can expect to be pampered, indulged, and even engage in scintillating conversation, erotic massages, and numerous other extras! There are escorts of all kinds, from those specialising in role play and fetishes to bisexual escorts who cater to couples. Transgender escorts, gay male escorts, and many other varieties also exist. We may think we are very liberated and modern now, but the ancients knew how to enjoy themselves, too!
Some people may label escorts as prostitutes or use other terms like call girls, working girls, or, more recently, sex workers. However, this association is nothing new. In the past, prostitutes were also known by a variety of names, many of which would be unfamiliar to us today. Let's briefly examine the historical equivalents of today's escort industry.
We can trace references to sex workers back to ancient times, even as far back as 18 centuries before Jesus. Ancient texts, possibly referring to the Sumerians, mention 'sacred prostitution', where each woman was required to engage in sexual intercourse with a stranger at least once in her life for a symbolic price, often as a gesture of hospitality. This concept bears similarities to our modern-day escorts!
Even in the Old Testament, prostitutes were associated with the wealthy. The book mentions the price of a prostitute being equivalent to one kid goat, a valuable commodity at that time. If visitors did not have goats to offer, they would leave behind other valuable items until they could provide the goat!
The Ancient Greeks had their version of escorts, viewed quite differently from today. Both women and boys worked as sex workers. Women were often influential, independent, and expected to pay taxes on their earnings. Prices for their services were regulated, and brothels were established where sexual activities took place on beds with cushions, as depicted in ancient Greek artwork. This marks a transition from street prostitution to the more organised escort services we know today.
For the Ancient Romans, prostitution was legalised, widespread, and openly practised. There were likely large state-run brothels, and men of high standing could hire prostitutes without facing moral disapproval. Once again, explicit artwork depicting scenes resembling modern-day escorts serving clients can be found from this period. There was no prudishness in this culture!
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In the Americas, the Aztecs permitted and regulated brothels. Religious sects believed that women should have the option to work as prostitutes as long as they operated in secure establishments. Their society was more open to sexual satisfaction than ours today, protecting these historical 'escorts'.
Eastern cultures of that era had their perspectives on prostitution. Recently, very explicit sexual artwork has been unearthed, revealing attitudes towards sex that were much more liberal than today. Male and female prostitution was common in the 16th century. The equivalent of escorts were known as Oiran in Japan and were considered 'women of pleasure'. These women were hierarchically ranked, with the highest-ranking Oiran, Tayu, only accessible to elite clients. They often set fashion trends, some of which have become renowned beyond their profession.
Moral attitudes shifted primarily in the West due to Christianity, which spread throughout the Empire's outwardly pious Victorian era. In other regions, various other religions also began to restrict prostitution. However, none have been able to eradicate it, leading to significant hypocrisy.
In the UK, the escorting industry is vast and diverse, encompassing a wide range of services that go beyond the simple exchange of money for sex. Escorts often provide companionship, attending social events, dinners, or even holidays with their clients. This aspect of escorting separates it from traditional prostitution, which is primarily focused on sexual services.
The legal landscape of escorting in the UK is complex. While selling sex is legal, many associated activities are not. For example, running a brothel, pimping, and street solicitation are illegal. This means that while an independent escort working alone can legally sell sexual services, they must navigate a legal minefield to ensure they don't fall foul of the law.
Online platforms have become a popular way for escorts to advertise their services, providing a safer and more discreet method of operation compared to street-based sex work. These platforms allow clients to browse profiles, read reviews, and arrange meetings in a controlled environment, significantly reducing the risks associated with traditional forms of sex work.
Certain areas in the UK are well-known for their escort services. London, unsurprisingly, tops the list, with its diverse population and vast number of visitors creating a high demand for escorts. Areas such as Mayfair, Knightsbridge, and Soho are particularly renowned for high-end escorts.
Manchester, Birmingham, and Glasgow are other major cities where the escort industry thrives. Each city has hotspots where escorts operate, often clustered around business districts, entertainment venues, and affluent neighbourhoods.
Besides these urban centres, popular tourist destinations like Brighton and Edinburgh also see a high demand for escort services, particularly during festivals and major events. A large student population in university towns like Oxford and Cambridge similarly fuels the demand for escorts.
The experience of hiring an escort in the UK today vastly differs from the historical practices we've explored. Modern escorts offer a professional service highly tailored to the client's needs and desires. This can include anything from a simple dinner date to a full weekend getaway.
Many escorts specialise in specific services, such as BDSM, role play, or providing companionship to those with particular fetishes. This specialisation allows clients to find exactly what they want and ensures a mutually enjoyable experience.
Furthermore, the internet and social media have allowed escorts to build personal brands, complete with websites, social media profiles, and professional photography. This level of marketing sophistication helps to elevate the profession and allows escorts to connect with a broader audience.
The escort industry in the UK, much like elsewhere, remains a topic of debate. Advocates argue that it provides a valuable service, offering companionship and intimacy to those who might otherwise go without. They also point out that it can be a lucrative profession, offering financial independence to those who choose it.
Critics, however, highlight the potential for exploitation and the links between the escort industry and human trafficking. They argue that despite the legality of selling sex, the surrounding illegal activities create a dangerous environment for sex workers.
There are also discussions around the stigma attached to the profession. Escorts often face judgment and discrimination, both socially and legally. This stigma can make it difficult for them to seek help or report crimes, further endangering their safety.
The history of escorting is rich and varied, stretching back to ancient times and evolving into the complex industry we see today. In the UK, escorts offer a wide range of services, often going beyond what one might traditionally associate with prostitution. The profession's legality is nuanced, with many activities surrounding it being illegal, yet the act remains lawful.
Popular areas for escorts include major cities and tourist destinations, with the highest demand for their services. The modern escort experience is professional and highly customisable, reflecting clients' diverse needs and desires.
Despite the industry's controversy and stigma, it continues to thrive, providing companionship, intimacy, and financial opportunities for those involved. As society continues to evolve, so will the perceptions and realities of escorting, ensuring it remains an intriguing and integral part of human history.
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Julia Rossa - an author, blogger, medical journalist, and certified sex therapist. Educated at London Metropolitan University, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to her writing. Julia is dedicated to providing evidence-based insights on sexual health and wellness, aiming to destigmatise conversations around sex. With years of experience as a therapist, she is also a massage and fitness enthusiast. Through her engaging blog and widely-read articles, Julia empowers readers to enhance their intimate relationships and embrace their sexuality with confidence.
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